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Troubleshoot working with pictures

Viewing and Organizing Pictures

ShowSome files are not appearing in the preview pane.

ShowA red X is displayed instead of the picture I want to work with.

ShowA menu command or toolbar button isn't enabled for the picture I want to work with.

Editing Pictures

ShowI don't like the way an edit turned out.

ShowI can't find a way to adjust highlights and shadows in the Brightness and Contrast task pane.

ShowI tried to crop my picture, but now its dimensions are all wrong.

ShowThe red eye removal feature did not remove the red eyes in my picture.

ShowUndo cancels the edits on all the pictures I edited

Sharing Pictures

ShowI sent a picture in an e-mail message, but the recipient received the file in a different format.

ShowI sent a picture in an e-mail message, but the recipient cannot open the picture as a file.

ShowI made a change to a picture in Microsoft Office Picture Manager, but the change is not appearing in the Windows SharePoint Services picture library.